Finding the Right Homes for Retired Hounds in the Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia Area ...and Beyond!
Past Pictures of the Week

November 2016

Could there be anything more special than a girl & her dog? Stride loves his girl Anna. They're loved by the Harris family of Nokesville, VA.

Trip, along with all of us at GEGR, would like to express our most heartfelt thanks to all our veterans this week as we celebrate Veteran's Day. He's loved by the Martin family of Magnolia, DE.

Sky says she's not tiptoeing thru the tulips, she's ambling thru the sunflowers! She's loved by the Andrew family of Parkville, MD.

Boomer & Karl are patiently waiting for their turkey for Thanksgiving & say that if anyone needs them they'll be holding down the sofa until then! They're loved by the Cornelius family of VA Beach, VA.

Greyhounds aren't just dogs, they are a way of life!