Greyhounds and Children - Creating a Greyt Relationship

Bringing a new dog into your home can be a very rewarding experience for the whole family. However, if your family includes young children there is an extra dynamic that needs to be nurtured for the transition to go smoothly. Understanding how greyhounds are raised and understanding techniques to work with your children and new dog will go a long way in creating a wonderful relationship that will last your dog's lifetime.

Pack Dynamics

Childproofing Your Dog - This is an excellent book written by Brian Kilcommons. It shares innovative techniques you can use to train your dogs and your children to understand each other and to love each other as much as you love them all. This book may be available through your local library, or click the link above to purchase it from

Nothing in Life is Free - An excellent website that talks about pack behavior and shares some training techniques designed to teach your dog its role in your family. Click Here to see what it's about.
Greyhounds have spent most of their lives living with packs of other dogs. It is not amazing, then, that they view young children as part of the pack; especially given that children are at greyhound eye-level. What does this mean? It means that you need to work with your dog to become his pack leader so that he knows he does not need to fill that role. Once you fill that role, he will respect you and not feel the need to discipline your children if they get overbearing; he will let you do it. In the same way, your children must respect you as the leader and allow you to discipline the dog if it gets over-bearing. The resources listed to the left will go a long way to helping you understand this relationship and learn how to nurture it to make it a positive experience for everyone. Although these concepts apply to all breeds, greyhounds in particular are used to living in packs at the track. This can become an advantage to you if you do a little research.

Children and Dogs
Below are some general notes and tips that are useful no matter what breed of dog you choose to put with young children. If your child respects your dog and his space, it will go a long way to creating a good relationship and encourages your dog to respect your child.

  • Dogs are not toys.
    Many small children find a dog's tail or paws irresistible. Unfortunately, your dog likes them just as much and won't like to have them pulled or tugged. Work with your children so they understand the need to respect your dog's body and not treat is as a toy of their own.

  • A hug is not always a hug.
    Simple displays of affection that children take for granted may mean something else entirely to your dog. A hug around the neck is a posture dogs use with each other to display dominance and some dogs are quite threatened by this. Teach your children to show affection in a way your dog understands - gentle stroking, or brushing and grooming.

  • Children are not littermates.
    Although you may view your kids and your dogs as your "children," it's important for your dog to realize that your kids are above them in your family pack hierarchy. We strongly recommend that you don't allow your dog to sleep in a bed with your children to help enforce this perception.

  • Supervise, supervise, supervise!
    The best defense is a good offense. Prevent altercations before they happen by always supervising your children's interactions with your dog. If you are unable to keep watch (you need to take a shower, for instance), crate or muzzle your dog.

Unique Greyhound Items
Greyhounds are raised and trained in a unique way. This creates some interesting issues that are easily dealt with if you use a little common sense.

  • Let sleeping dogs lie.
    Greyhounds are not used to being disturbed when they sleep. They lived in stacked crates in their kennels where no person and no other dog could touch them and startle them. Make sure children call the dog's name and allow the dog to get up before approaching. If the dog doesn't want to play and does not get up, your children must respect that. If they really need to get the dog to move, have them come get you to help.

  • Condo Crates.
    A greyhound's crate has always been his personal condo. Make sure your children respect your dog's "room" and don't play in or on it at any time. This is especially true when your greyhound is in the crate.

  • Leash Safety.
    Do not let children walk your greyhound unsupervised. Greyhounds are usually excellent on lead, but you never know when they may decide to chase a squirrel or rabbit. When a greyhound decides to go, the chances of a child having the power to control it are slim. The end result could be a hurt child and a lost greyhound.

  • Who's toy is that?
    Most greyhounds are mesmorized by stuffed toys, probably because they've been raised and trained to chase and catch them. Unfortunately, your dog cannot know which stuffed toys belong to children. Make sure that your children's prized toys are kept out of your dog's reach.

  • Food etiquette.
    Never let your children disturb your dog while he's eating treats or his dinner. Teach them to respect that time as your dog's personal time.

Some Quick Tips for a Greyt Relationship
You want your dog to love and cherish your children as much as you do! One of the best ways to do this is to have your dog associate your children with good things, like food and attention. Here are some quick tips to help build that relationship:

  • Let your child help with the feeding process. Depending on your child's age, you may want to have them hand-feed a few pieces of kibble at the beginning of a meal, or place the meal down for your dog each feeding.

  • When you discover your greyhound's favorite treat (cheese, maybe?) make sure your child is the only one to provide that special treat.

  • Teach your children how to gently use a Love Glove or other soft grooming tool and make short (5 minute) grooming sessions part of their bedtime routine.
Greyhounds aren't just dogs, they are a way of life!