Finding the Right Homes for Retired Hounds in the Delaware, Maryland, D.C., Virginia Area ...and Beyond!
Our Adopted Dogs

April 2014

Chance - adopted by the Klara family of Westminster, MD.
Rainbow Bridge

Julie nka Roxanne - adopted by the Shaw family of Huntingtown, MD.
Rainbow Bridge

Ripple nka Lexy - adopted by the Volk family of Richmond, VA.

Jupiter nka Sydney - adopted by the Gibson family of Naperville, IL.
Rainbow Bridge

Doozie nka Leica - adopted by the Milad family of Baltimore, MD.

Randy - adopted by the Benson family of Reston, VA.

Beezly aka Cassie - adopted by the Kilmer family of Clear Brook, VA.

Greyhounds aren't just dogs, they are a way of life!