Ten Commandments for Greyhound Owners

  1. Please do not yell at me or hit me. I am very sensitive to your moods and you will only confuse me, which will make me anger you more. Please work with me to show me what you expect from me.

  2. Please do not let me get overweight. My body has been formed by thousands of years of breeding and it has a lightweight frame. If I gain too much weight, my frame will wear out and I will not have a nice, long life with you.

  3. Please clip or sand my nails every week. If my nails get too long, they can break off leaving my quick exposed or my toes can break when I use my incredible muscles to launch myself to speeds of 45 MPH in three strides.

  4. Please clean my ears for me every few weeks. I can be very stoic when I am in pain, but there is no need for me to have an ear infection you don’t know about when it is so easy to prevent.

  5. Please give me a monthly heartworm preventative and use flea and tick control. I do not wish to have internal or external parasites, just as you don’t want easily killed internal or external bugs crawling in or on you.

  6. Please feed me a high-quality food. My body is unique from thousands of years of breeding and foods that do not have a meat source as their main ingredient will hurt my digestive tract and may make me aggressive or lethargic.

  7. Please do not let me run free in an unenclosed area. I may see something that I must chase, and I will not be able to find my way back to you when I am done running. I do not want to be scared and lost, or hit by a car.

  8. Please make sure I have ID tags with your phone number on them. If I get lost, I cannot tell someone myself. Also consider putting a microchip in me just in case I loose my collar if I get lost. I do not want to spend any more time away from you than I have to.

  9. Please still love me when I get older and my body can no longer go all day without a potty break. I do not wish to soil my house, but I cannot open doors.

  10. Please do not be afraid to say goodbye and help me when it is my time to pass on. I have spent my life with you and would like you to help me on my last journey.

Greyhounds aren't just dogs, they are a way of life!